RescueTime Premium now offers a wide array of integrations with partner services. These allow users to expand significantly the scope and functionality of what you can do with RescueTime data and feature actions. Many of these features are based on user requests over the years; some are new ideas that we have had ourselves that we think will help improve your productivity and enhance your digital lives. Check out all the things you can do with RescueTime!
Connect RescueTime to hundreds of apps through IFTTT and Zapier
RescueTime now provides links to two connective services, If This Then That ( IFTTT) and Zapier, which give users the ability to connect RescueTime data and feature events to a large number of other services. Features such as Alerts, FocusTime, Daily Highlights, and daily Activity Summaries can interact with applications and apps on your computer, mobile devices, and other internet-enabled devices. Each of these relations is called a recipe (IFTTT) or a Zap (Zapier) and is set up with a few simple steps on the partner website. There are now over 300 connected services, and you can even create new connections yourself!
Here are some of the possibilities
Enhance the functionality of FocusTime. You can do many things like start and stop a session based on the date/time or Google calendar events, or have a session block out other distractions by posting “do not disturb” status in your media outlets. You can start a FocusTime session automatically when you arrive at work or mute your phone when it is in effect (some features require additional products).
Use daily summaries to do more with your data. You can have summaries emailed to you at the end of each day to get automated daily reporting. You can have this summary logged automatically to a Google spreadsheet or in a service like Evernote. You can have them logged as a detailed event in Google calendar or receive them as Slack messages.
Extend the range of Daily Highlights. Have a highlight logged when you have a meeting scheduled in Google calendar or when you post a Tweet or post your Highlights as Tweets. Create a highlight for each email you send in Gmail.
Use Alerts in new ways: post them to Slack or Facebook, send them via SMS, or schedule a phone call when an alert is triggered; send an alert via Gmail based on specific criteria, like after a day when you spent more than 20% of your time on email and communication
Keep track of your photos with timestamps in your logs from iOS devices or Daily Highlight entries from an Android device.
Log your visit to your favorite coffee shop with Foursquare.
These are just some of the things you can do with IFTTT and Zapier. Find out more information about IFTTT here and Zapier here and start creating your new features.
Developers, keep track of your code commits with Git and GitHub
Git is a popular version control system for software projects. You can use Git’s flexible hook system to maintain a log of your code check-ins within your RescueTime account, so you can see what you accomplished on days when you spent lots of time coding. If you host software projects on the social code hosting repository GitHub, you can keep a log of your code check-ins in your RescueTime account. Check-ins will show up as highlights on your dashboard and in your weekly emails.
Learn more about connecting RescueTime to your Git or GitHub repositories here.
Find correlations between your time, sleep, and fitness
You can do more with your data with the data analysis tools Gyroscope, Zenobase, and Gyroscope, for example, is “A personal website powered by your life.” Connect your online accounts and see beautiful weekly reports showing how all your productivity and fitness data fit together. RescueTime can add time about your productivity levels to your weekly Gyroscope reports.
Supercharge FocusTime to limit distractions
To block out distractions while in a FocusTime session, connect RescueTime to Slack and you will be automatically marked as "do-not-disturb." If you are feeling more masochistic, try connecting RescueTime to a Pavlok wristband and shock yourself every time you hit a blocked page during a FocusTime session. You can also use IFTTT and Zapier to mute your phone, post do-not-disturb messages on your calendar, and much more.