Common macOS Install Problems

Sometimes you may run into issues installing, reinstalling, or updating the RescueTime app on macOS. Here are some common errors you may encounter and what to do to fix them.

Please note: before any update, ensure that the RescueTime app is closed. You can tell the app is closed if you do not see the RescueTime icon in your menu bar.

The installation failed.

You may see this error during the installation process on your Mac.

Typically, this error occurs when you install RescueTime from cloud (i.e., iCloud, Dropbox, OneDrive, etc.) or network storage. You will need to run the installer directly from your computer to install the app. 

You may also see this error if you didn't allow applications downloaded from the "App Store and identified developers." To enable this option, which should be enabled by default, go to System Settings > Privacy & Security > Scroll down to the Security heading and click on App Store and identified developers

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