Common Windows Install Problems

Sometimes you may run into issues installing, reinstalling, or updating the RescueTime app on Windows. Here are some common errors you may encounter and what to do to fix them.

Please note: before any update, ensure that the RescueTime app is closed. You can tell the app is closed if you do not see the RescueTime icon in your system tray.

The following applications are using files that need to be updated by Setup.

If you come across this error, click Next and let the system close down your applications.

After clicking Next, if you see the screen below, do the following:

  • Click Abort and press Control+Alt+Delete simultaneously to open the Task Manager. Find any process called RescueTime and click End task, then start the install process again.
  • OR Click Abort and restart your computer (this will automatically close all programs) and start the install process again

Authentication Problem

Once you've completed the install process, you'll be asked to sign into your RescueTime account through the Assistant. If you sign in and see this error, it usually means you have a previous RescueTime account connected to your current computer. You will need to reset your configuration to ensure that you have the correct RescueTime account (email address) connected to the RescueTime Assistant. Find instructions to reset your configuration here

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