How to record Offline Time

Users with Premium accounts can record offline time activities in their logs. Offline time activities are those not on a computer or mobile device.  

There are two ways to enter offline time:

Offline Time entry page

Offline Time pop up

Offline Time entry page 

Enter Offline Time directly on the RescueTime website. Look for the green Add Offline Time button in the top right corner of the screen that should be persistent on all pages. 

On the Enter Offline Time page, you will be able to see untracked time in your day and fill in the details by clicking on the gaps. 

Offline Time pop up

Once your computer has gone idle for 5 or more minutes, you can be automatically prompted to specify what you were doing while you were away from your computer.

How to enable the Offline Time pop up?

  1. Click the Add Offline Time icon button in the top right corner of the screen.
  2. Select the Offline Time Settings tab.
  3. Under the "Prompt to record offline time when you are away from your computer?" section choose Enable.

After you enable the Offline Time pop up and once the computer has gone idle, a window will pop up asking you what you were doing since you were last active on your computer. The pop up includes 6 configurable choices for offline activities which you can easily customize under the Offline Time Settings page. You can choose from one of those activities or click on the Don't log this time button if you don't want this time to be specified in your Reports.

On this same page, you can also add additional activities if you need more by clicking on the  More Options button.

You can also have the pop up stop running for one hour by clicking on the " Dismiss for one hour" link.

Can I change when the Offline Time is prompted?

Yes, you can change the time interval from the 5 minutes default. Just select your frequency from the " Show the offline time pop up after" drop-down menu. 

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