Team Member Roles

There are four roles in RescueTime for Teams. Each role has specific access to managing the team's reports and timesheets.

O- Account Owner

As an account owner, you have access to all the functionalities of timesheets and all team reports including managing billing, creating teams, deleting teams, and assigning all roles including Administrators. You can control the entire organization. There can only be one Account Owner. 

A- Administrator

As an administrator, you have the same access as the Account Owner except to manage billing, delete teams, and assign Administrators.

M- Manager

As a manager, you have access to create projects within a team and create tasks within the project. You only have access to change your own team's reports even if you didn't create it yourself. You do not need to be a member of a team to be a manager. 


As a member, you only have access to add time to your assigned projects and tasks. You do not have access to change the team reports. 

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