What if I don't have a set work schedule?

Your work schedule page allows for flexibility when designating what times you'd like to track your computer activity. At the link above, you can choose the same hours each day, "all day" for every day or only certain days, or different work hours for each day. You can also turn off tracking on your days off.

If you're part of the gig economy, work nights, a student, or have an irregular schedule for any reason, we recommend you set your work schedule from the general time you start your work day to the general time you end your work day. 

For example, you generally start your workday at 8 AM and end at 12 AM on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays. But on Tuesdays and Thursdays, your schedule is more unpredictable, so you check the "All day" option, which will record your work regardless of when it happens.  

After choosing your work hours for each day of the week, click the Save Work Schedule button. 

Please note: your work hours during weekends can also be added by clicking Edit Work Schedule.

The work schedule page also allows you to choose between a 12-hour or 24-hour format. 

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