Allowing notifications and sounds from RescueTime

RescueTime uses notifications to alert you about your progress during your work day through sounds and pop-up notifications. 

Operating System Notifications for RescueTime

To hear sounds and receive notifications from RescueTime, you'll need to allow notifications in your OS system settings. These notifications will pop up over your desktop at the OS level. These notifications coincide with your Assistant feed and pinned alerts. You can read more about RescueTime alert notifications here

On Windows: 

Start Menu < Settings < System < Notifications & Actions < Scroll down to RescueTime on the right-hand panel and click on it

Enable Notifications by toggling it to the right. 

To disable sounds and notifications you just need to toggle left under Notifications.

On Mac:  

Apple Menu < System Preferences < Notifications < toggle Allow Notifications to the right to enable notifications

You can customize your preferences below on how you want the notification to appear and whether you want sounds.

To disable sounds and notifications you just need to toggle left on the Allow Notifications option in your Notifications & Focus in your System Preferences.

RescueTime Assistant Notifications

You can enable sounds on your Assistant for features like the toggle pause, end of Focus Session summary report, and voice overs for the Focus Session warmups + prep. Click on the gear icon on your Assistant and click on Status sounds to check it. 

To disable sounds, click on the gear icon in your Assistant > click on Status sounds to uncheck it.

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