
What you'll learn

How to connect your Slack to RescueTime

Ready to give your Slack some personality? Click here.

1. On the integration page, select Connect your Slack account

2. You'll be redirected to connect your Slack account

**If you have more than one Slack account you will need to select the account you want to connect to at the top right corner.

NOTE: Currently, you can only be connected to one Slack account at a time

3. Select Allow to connect your Slack account 

4. You'll be redirected back to RescueTime and at the top of the page, you'll see a notification confirming "Your Slack account has been added.

Congratulations 🎉

You have successfully connected your integration for Slack!

How to use the integration for Slack

Now for the fun part!

Now that you're connected, RescueTime will update your Slack status based on your work category. You choose what categories you would like to broadcast! The only thing you need to do is create your unique status updates (or use ours) and connect them to the categories you use. 

Initial Setup

Important: RescueTime will only update your Slack status during your work hours.

✔️Go to your Integration for Slack

  • You'll see your top used categories in the middle of the page.

✔️Select any of the preselected categories by clicking on them.

  • We selected Reference: General & Comm/Schedule: Instant Message
  • Once selected it appears at the bottom ready for your Awesome "Status" updates!

Update Status: Click in the box under Status, then write what's on your mind. Get Crazy, there are no rules! Well, no rules by us anyway 😜Remember this will be displayed to everyone on your team, so maybe not too crazy. 🙃

✔️ Update Emoji: Click the downward arrow in the box

  • Then type in a keyword of an emoji you'd like to add.

✔️ Enable Do-Not-Disturb: Check this box if you'd like to turn on Do-Not-Disturb mode while you're in this category.

Example: Here's what we chose for our 2 categories

✔️ Create your own Category: Underneath the prepopulated categories select Or, Select Any Category

  • You can create any category or subcategory that you wish to display

Once you're satisfied with your categories select " Save status updates"

Great job! 👍

That's it! You're ready to show your team what's on your mind!

Daily Use

Now that you have saved your settings.

Start using your computer as you normally would. When you start using a category you selected above, your status will appear on your Slack account.

Here's what you can look forward to seeing on your Slack account.

How to disconnect your Slack from RescueTime

  • Click here and then select Disconnect this Integration

That's it! You're good to go.

Trouble with your Integration for Slack?

Are you having trouble connecting your integration?

No worries! Refresh the page and try to connect again. Make sure you accept the permissions.

Maybe you're not seeing your status updates on your Slack Account?

Don't stress! RescueTime updates your status in 5-minute increments so expect a short delay before seeing it in Slack.

💡Remember: RescueTime will only display updates within your work hours.

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