How do I cancel and delete my RescueTime account?

We hate to see you go, but we understand! Customers with a paid account, RescueTime Premium, can cancel at any time. Canceling is like unsubscribing. You can keep your login, save your data, and use the free version of the application, RescueTime Lite. But it prevents any further billing from happening unless you decide to upgrade to RescueTime Premium again. 

  1. Navigate to your Tools menu
  2. Click on Account Settings > Billing.
  3. Click Downgrade to RescueTime Lite

If you would like to remove your account, along with all your data, you can. However, please note that this action is non-reversible. Once the data is gone, it is gone for good.

  1. Navigate to Account Settings > Account.
  2. Click Delete your Account.

Please note if you purchased your subscription with Apple, you'll need to cancel and/or request a refund with Apple as well. Unfortunately, this is a mandate from them. 

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